Our October episode has original music from some local favorites: The Hammer & The Hatchet, Chris Wolf, Joe Bollinger, and John Whitcomb! We begin our Halloween month with spooky stories from our paranormal investigator friends, Matthew Jackson, and Chris McDaniel. Be sure to tune in later this month for our Halloween Special podcast!
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Our show includes:
- Chuck Wills, Jim Lemon, and Rick Fettig review the local music scene.
- We have local original music from:
- The Hammer & The Hatchet – Bailey’s Small Engine Repair
- Chris Wolf – The Ballad of Belle Gunnes
- Joe Bolinger – Warewolf
- John Whitcomb – Goblins!
- Matthew Jackson joins us with a real skeleton story from www.paraholics.com.
- Pam Raider shares her essay Disease and Dis-ease.
- Rick Fettig offers his take on “Electile Dysfunction”.
- Paranormal investigator Chris McDaniel joins us to talk about Bigfoot, hauntings, and more!
- Dave Seastrom shares his essay A Year of Covid.
Hosted by Dave Seastrom, Pam Raider, Vera Grubbs, Chuck Wills, Jim Lemon, and Rick Fettig.
First aired Sunday, October 4th, 2020 at 9 AM on WFHB
✄ Engineering & post-production by Chuck Wills and Jim Lemon.
✇ Theme music by Slats Klug & Friends.
Our cover photo courtesy of Chuck Wills